Former Diamond Jack Anthony Volpe was drafted by the New York Yankees in the First Round of the MLB Draft this past June. But we at Diamond Nation remember like it was yesterday when 12 year-old Anthony was named the Diamond Nation Player of the Week for his performance on the Diamond Jacks Super 12U team. We thought it would be fun to re-run the Questionnaire Anthony answered back in 2013.
Volpe is playing for the Rookie level Class-A Pulaski Yankees in Pulaski, Virginia. It’s amazing to watch him develop and see so much of what he wished for in this questionnaire coming to fruition.

Name: Anthony Volpe
Team: Diamond Jacks Super 12U
Age: 12
Bats: Right
Throws: Right
Uniform #: Number 7, because my grandpa’s favorite player was Mickey Mantle.
I’ve Been Playing Baseball…: Since I was six months old. Kind of just throwing balls from dad.
My Favorite Position: Any position that will help my team win.
My Second Favorite Position: Shortstop. You are involved in so many plays. You take throws from the outfielders. You have to catch the ball both forehand and glove side.
Favorite baseball memory (as a player): Hitting a two-out walk-off grand slam to beat the Long Island Mudcats 8-7. I was 9 or 10. They were this good team that used to always beat us. They were very cocky. Our boys were going crazy. It felt great.
Favorite baseball memory (as a fan): Watching the Yankees win the World Series in 2009.
Favorite moment from this past week: Getting a 100 on my math test. Most of the time I do well.
What I like most about my team: That we never give up and we always pick each other up when we are down. We’re close.
Diving catch to end a game or hit a game-winning HR?: Both feel awesome.
Favorite song on my IPod: “My songs know what you did in the dark (light em up)” by Fall Out Boys. It pumps me up.
If not baseball (other sport you love): Baseball is my life. I do play other sports for recreation.
Pre-game ritual: Catching short-hops, “picks” in front of the dugout. I do it with a teammate, usually with Anthony Brienza our second baseman.
Favorite MLB team: Yankees. My dad liked the Yankees his whole life and I kind of grew up liking them.
Favorite MLB player?: Bryce Harper, because he plays hard and with heart and intensity. My favorite Yankee is Robinson Cano.
Favorite TV show: “Intentional Talk” on MLB Network. They interview players and ask goofy questions. It’s funny.
Favorite book: “Unstoppable.” It’s about a boy who grew up working as a slave. He was adopted. He found out he had cancer and had to get his leg amputated. He worked hard to play again. I read it in our Weekly Reading Journal.
Favorite food: My mom’s chicken parmigiana with spaghetti. It always hits the spot.
Favorite class in school: Science. I like my teacher, Mr. Brignola at Valley View school in Watchung.
Favorite movie: Bad News Bears, the original. The characters all stuck together like our team and won a lot of games.
When I grow up I want to be…? A major league baseball player for the Yankees.
School/extracurricular activities: I play baseball for my middle school team. I’m the first 6th grader they ever had playing for them.

Three for dinner: Peter Griffin from family guy (one of the characters, he’s really funny and goofy). Michael Jordan. I just want to meet him because he’s famous. Albert Einstein. I did a book report on him in fourth grade. It said he got kicked out of school. I’d like to ask him questions to see if that was true.
One other interesting thing about me: I was recently invited to tryout for the Team USA 12U Team. The tryouts are June 6th (2013) in Loganville Georgia. I’m very excited and kind of nervous about the competition there. I want to see if I can take the next step forward.