How new Division 3 recruiting rules affect you

By Bob Behre | April 21, 2020

Former Diamond Jack and current Montclair State first baseman Pete Cosentino.

Diamond details in a series of articles how new NCAA recruiting changes under COVID-19 will affect you as an athlete. We begin today with the Division 3 level and we’ll follow with stories on the Division 2 and 1 requirements.

Unprecedented times bring unprecedented changes, even for a rigid organization like the NCAA. Here is what you need to know as a potential or current Division 3 athlete. (Source: NCAA Division 3 COVID-19 Questions and Answer Guide).

The NCAA acted quickly to come to the aid of student-athletes. On March 13, the Division III Administrative Committee granted an extra year of eligibility to all college student-athletes, in addition to allowing schools to, “assist students with travel, lodging and meals as a result of campus displacement.”

Here are the major issues the NCAA has addressed at the Division 3 level.

*Unlike actions taken in Division 1 and 2, the Division 3 administrative committee has not imposed additional restrictions on recruiting since the inception of COVID-19.

*Colleges are still required to request permission before recruiting a four-year college student-athlete enrolled at another college, but a release is not needed if the student has officially withdrawn or graduated from the previous institution.

*The Self-Release for Division 3 athletes is still available.

*Coaches may use online video platforms and apps to contact prospective student-athletes. These are considered forms of videoconferencing or videophone. The NCAA views this no different than a phone call.

*A college may still reimburse a prospective student-athlete for expenses incurred in anticipation of a making a campus visit.

*It is permissible for a prospective student-athlete to participate in a virtual tour/event of a member school’s campus sponsored by its admissions office or another department outside of athletics. This is described as the same type of tour/event available to a general prospective student.

*It is also permissible for a virtual tour/event conducted and arranged by the admissions department to include a college’s coaching staff member, provided the programming is being provided by the admissions department and is also available to prospective general students.

*The NCAA Division 3 Management Council Subcommittee for Legislative Relief issued a blanket waiver on April 2 that would allow a coach or athletics department to conduct a recruiting event or visit virtually, provided the event itself would be permissible if done in person.

*A current college student-athlete may participate in virtual campus visits being conducted by the institution’s athletics department and/or coach.

*Consistent with current application of Division 3 legislation, it is permissible for a college coaching staff member to send workouts to a prospective student-athlete after that student’s paid-acceptance of the college’s offer of admission and/or financial aid.

(For full details of the NCAA Division 3 recruiting rules changes under COVID-19 go to the organization’s website at:


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